Welcome to the Making and Knowing Project’s Research and Teaching Companion to Secrets of Craft and Nature in Renaissance France. A Digital Critical Edition and English Translation of BnF Ms. Fr. 640. In this Companion, you will find resources for teaching courses that integrate hands-on learning, as well as for engaging with Secrets of Craft and Nature through historical and digital research, and for making use of the edition’s data for research and visualization. In addition to these resources for hands-on research and teaching, the Companion includes the experiences of our collaborators in using the Project’s resources over the years since the edition was published in 2020. We hope you will join them in the growing community of making and knowing around Secrets of Craft and Nature!
- Making & Knowing Syllabi
- Lesson Plans for Hands-On
- M&K Resources in Use
- Student Projects
- Reflections on Hands-On
- Digital Making & Knowing